The Psycho-social Condition of the Bohol Deaf Academy Students and its Influence on their Personality

Khris Marc Ronquillo


The Deaf are easily misunderstood minority due to the invisibility of their disability. Even among experts in SPED, Deafness is seen as simply as a sensory problem easily addressed with technological and sensory solutions, such as hearing aids and sign language. The review juxtaposed theories of development with theories on language acquisition to explore the effects of not having an expressive language in the formative years and how it ultimately affects the development of their emotions and personality. The study drew upon years of immersion with the students of a school for the Deaf, including interviews with 10 male and 10 female students during the school year 2013-2014. The study revealed that Deafness results in the delay of language acquisition, and a lag in academic development. However, the setup of the students at the academy which included sponsored education, a stay in dormitory program supervised by surrogate parental figures while in the community of their peers, counterbalances the effects of difficulties in familial communications, delayed academic development, and the discrimination that they experience, leading to the conclusion that despite difficulties, the students had developed healthy self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept.


Special Education; differently-abled; qualitative method; anecdotal observation; interviews; Philippines; Asia

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