Suicidal–Related Thoughts of University Students

Unilyn E. Solon, Frances Mae C. Trabajo, Gino V. Almonical, Maricel L. Busano, Jan Fe R. Lanzaderas, Kay T. Ogario


Suicide is an act of taking one’s life. This paper determined the suicidal related thoughts among the first year college students of the University of Bohol. Suicidal related thought is a cognitive process that involves a contemplation of ending one’s own life. It utilized a quantitative research design with the aid of a standardized instrument - The Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) that assesses suicidal ideation and its frequency, suicide attempt and the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. There were 523 students from 11 colleges who participated in this study. It comprised of 50.94% females and 41.63% males. Results revealed that having a suicide plan is evident among the respondents in college I, while suicide-risk ideation is apparent in colleges A, J, K, C, H, and E. Suicidal ideation is experienced rarely or at one time by some respondents. Nonetheless, they have manifested the risk to likely, somewhat likely and very likely commit suicide in the future. Findings also revealed that females have higher suicidal ideation than males. But both sexes are at risk as regards to committing suicide in the future. Hence, it takes into consideration that suicidal related thoughts may influence suicidal behavior in the future.


Health; suicide; suicidal ideation; quantitative design; Philippines

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