Fourth Industrial Revolution and Curriculum Development

Ammon Denis R. Tirol


The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) was built on the ICT and electronic transformations of the Third Industrial Revolution. This paper focuses on the 4IR’s impact on the educational sector, particularly on the academe’s role in the supply side of the future workforce. The educationist aims to design the learning program that would best equip the student for the workplace of the 21st century, and the success indicators of the learning program are responsiveness to job demands and curriculum contents relevance. How well the education strategist understands the workforce market and its required proficiencies would spell attainment of the key indicators. This researcher is tasked with the continued equipping of the university faculty and aims to share this critical need for educators to integrate into their learning objectives the acquisition of the required 21st-century skills by the students.


4IR; ICT; 21st Century Workplace; curriculum content relevance; Philippines; Asia

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