The Monolinguistic Approach in Learning to Read

Julieta Hermosilla


The research study was done to obtain information from two Kindergarten classes as variables; one class was taught in English, the other, in Bisaya. The effectiveness of language used in learning to read was assessed after explaining different components of reading. This study utilized a quasi-experimental research method that discovered the influence of controlled conditions, of experimental and manipulated variables. Fifty-four kindergarten pupils of San Pablo Elementary School were the subjects of the study. The results were treated statistically using the mean and two non-parametric tools namely, the Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test to test the significant differences between the two groups and within groups. The data showed an increase in the reading skills of the learners in both classes. This result further implied that there was no significant difference in the usage of English or Bisaya in teaching. Learners, from both classes, were able to learn the concepts presented to them though there was scarcity in instructional materials and other supplemental resources. Using the mother tongue in the classroom did not affect their proficiency and that they were able to perform the skills in reading and this is also true among those in the English group. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the medium of instruction in the classroom was not a barrier to the teaching of early learners. Be it in English or Bisaya, the results were just comparable and that both languages could be used as a medium of instruction in learning how to read among the young learners.


Medium of instruction; mother tongue; quasi-experimental method; Mann-Whitney U; Wilcoxon; reading; young learners

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