Mathematics Grade as Correlate to Performance in the National Achievement Test

Daryl T. Paredes, Ronalyn G. Albopera, Gladys T. Balog, Vincent A. Buladas, Mary Grace D. Hoyle, Mark Vincent A. Guimere, Christine C. Renoblas, Loriesyl J. Wado


Tests in schools can be informative. However, the Department of Education administered a set of examinations like National Achievement Test which is designed to determine the learner's achievement level, strengths, and weaknesses in five curricular subject areas at the end of the school year. The study intended to look into the relationship between academic performance in Mathematics and NAT results. There has been a purposive universal sampling design. It is purposive because the research is only studying the academic performance in Mathematics, and universal because the subjects of the study are all the grade six pupils of Victoriano D. Tirol Advance Learning Center for four consecutive school years. Documentary analysis was used as to the data of existing records on the academic performance and National Achievement Test results in Mathematics. The association between academic achievement and NAT outcomes in Mathematics was investigated using correlation analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analyses revealed that there is a significant correlation between the pupil's academic performance and NAT results. Also, there is a significant degree of variance in the student's performance as to National Achievement Test Results in four consecutive school years.


Education; Academic Performance; National Achievement Test; Quantitative-Documentary Analysis; Pearson r; ANOVA; Philippines; Asia

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