Any student may withdraw from any subject without academic penalty provided that a Withdrawal Form has been complied, properly signed, paid at the Treasurer’s office and filed at the Registrar’s Office..
Filing for withdrawal from subjects enrolled is allowed. Any student who withdraws enrolment shall be charged as follows:
Start of classes to within Adding, Dropping, and Changing period ------------- 20% of total fees due for the term
After ADC period but before Prelim Exams --------------------- 30% of total fees due for the term
After Prelims but before Midterm Exams --------------------- 50% of the total fees due the term
After Midterm Exams --------------------------------------------- 100% of total fees due for the term
The following are the procedures in filing for withdrawal of subject(s):
Upon withdrawal, the subject/s originally enrolled will automatically be marked “W” for “withdrawn” in the student’s record.
A student, who discontinues attending any subject without filing for Withdrawal of Subjects, shall be marked “Dropped” or equivalent to no credit for said subject/s.